DIY Christmas forest elves

DIY Christmas forest elves

DIY little pinecone elves!

If you are the kind of people who collects a lot of things during your walks in the forest, this DIY is made for you! You will finally use all those little pinecones and oak acorns you picked up and give them a second life.

It will be thanks to these little elves, very easy to make and customize as you like. You can plan an afternoon with family or friends, like us, to have a good time together and take the opportunity to have a nice gourmet snack!


Here are the things you'll need: 

- pine cones

- cups (hats) of oak acorns (optional)

- wooden beads

- a glue gun

- felt sheets

- glitter to paint and bells (optional)

1 Commencez par coller les perles sur le haut des pommes de pin, vous pouvez choisir différentes tailles en fonction de celle de la pomme.

2 préparez des cercles de feutre à l’aide d’une tasse ou assiette

3 préparez des lanières qui serviront de petite écharpe aux lutins

4 formez un cône avec les ronds de feutre et collez-le sur la (tête) perle, n’oubliez pas d’intégrer une ficelle pour pouvoir accrocher le lutin au sapin

5 ajoutez la petite écharpe et dessinez un petit visage

6 (facultatif) collez une petite clochette en haut du chapeau et peignez les extrémités des écailles avec des paillettes.


1 First glue the beads on the top of the pinecones, you can choose different sizes in accordance with the pinecone size.

2 make felt circles using a cup or plate

3 prepare strips that will serve as a small scarf for the elves

4 form a cone with the felt circles and glue it on the (head) bead, do not forget to include a string to hang the elf on the tree

5 add the little scarf and draw a little face

6 (optional) glue a small bell at the top of the hat and paint the ends of the scales with glitter.