Legal Notice

This site is published by Voriagh SARL, a limited liability company with capital of 10.000 Euros, whose registered office is located at

47 boulevard Henri IV - 75004 Paris,

registered with the Register of Commerce and Companies of Paris under number 887 143 0001 7 RCS503.

Publishing Director: Vivien Steindler

Web Host: OVH, 2 rue Keller, BP 80157, 59100 Roubaix

The company Voriagh SAS makes its best efforts to ensure accurate and updated information on this site, as well as the access to such information.

However, Voriagh SAS declines any and all responsibility for the following:

- any interruption of the site; 
- bugs which may arise;

- any inaccuracy or omission in connection with the information available on the site;

- any damage resulting from outside party's wrongful intrusion causing any modification to the information available on the site;

- and in a general manner for any direct or indirect damage whatsoever, regardless of the origin, nature or consequences thereof, including particularly without limitation any costs arising from the online purchase of goods resulting from any person's access to the site or the impossibility of accessing the site, or from reliance on any information of which the site is the direct or indirect source.



The company Voriagh SAS hereby undertakes to treat any and all information provided online by a user as strictly confidential. Collecting such information has been declared with the CNIL n° 1346586. (Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés, or the National Committee on Computerization and Individual Freedoms).

Any and all personal information a user sends to CMC for use by certain services is subject to the French "Computerization and Individual Freedoms" Act No. 78-17 dated 6 January 1978.

Accordingly, the user has the right to access, modify and delete any personal information. Such right can be exercised at all times by letter addressed to:

Voriagh SAS 

47 boulevard Henri IV 

75004 Paris 

or by e-mail to:


Purpose of collecting personal data:

Voriagh SAS requests personal data for administrative and sales management purposes, in particular:

- to correspond with users who subscribe to our newsletter;

- to process user orders;

- when a user submits his or her candidature;

- for user participation in a game, contest or survey.

In compliance with legal obligations, we keep such data for a limited time, corresponding to the purpose for which the user gives us such information. Accordingly, data sent in for subscription to the newsletter are kept until the user cancels the subscription. Data sent in for online ordering will not be kept longer than five years.

Data gathered are intended to be used exclusively by Voriagh SARL


Copyrights and Trademarks

All material on the website, as well as the website itself, is subject to copyright, trademarks, patents for designs and models and/or any other applicable legislation.

Such material is the property of Voriagh SARL or is used with the agreement of a third party authorizing Voriagh SARL to use it.

It can be used only for private, personal and noncommercial purposes.

Any use or reproduction of the material must respect the original version, with no modification or alteration whatsoever.

Any use for any purpose other than those described herein is subject to prior written agreement by Voriagh SARL.

Any use of the site content in violation of these rules, which does not comply with the above conditions shall be considered an act of infringement as understood in the French Code of Intellectual Property Rights.



The site may contain links to other websites. Insofar as Voriagh SARL cannot control those websites and external sources, the company cannot be held liable for any access problems or the content or material present on such websites.

In addition, Voriagh SARL reserves the right to authorize any type of simple or deep hypertext link, and any web positioning.



Only session cookies are used on the Voriagh website. Such cookies enable the site to keep only data of a temporary nature from the current session (products selected, time spent on the site, etc).

This information is in no manner associated with an individual User's name and is not saved from one session to the next.


Web counter tags

Some pages of this website may contain electronic images or "counter tags", that make it possible to count the number of hits on a page.

Such web counter tags can be used with some of our partners, mainly with a view to measuring and improving the visibility of certain pages.

In any event, information gathered by the web counter tags is strictly anonymous and is used only to compound statistics on the number of hits on a given page of the site, in order to better serve our website Users.